How we work

About Humancollective

We believe that every organization and every person is unique and so is the movement that needs to be made. Small chance, then, that a standard program will provide the best solution. That’s why Humancollective delivers customized solutions.

Customization and Humancollective

Customized projects, (training) programs and workshops. But with standard high impact, fun and results. And full of cool insights about the human brain and how learning and change works. New behaviors are learned by doing. Only by walking often on a new path does that wear in…. Understanding how it really works will get things moving. Including yourself.

Here’s how we do it:

  • Putting things into perspective and humor
  • Explore possibilities; see how it can be done
  • Respect for everyone’s perspective
  • Real; no masks
  • Demonstrable result
  • People can do more than they think; growth mindset and learning agility
  • Only when things get exciting, you learn something
  • Let the elephant in the room say something, too
  • Start at the other person’s starting point
  • Using proven tool and latest psychological insights



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