Team Development

What we do

Successful teamwork largely determines your competitive advantage. Teams are at the heart of development and change. Yet in team collaboration, things do not always go smoothly. The diversity of team members is not fully utilized, there is misunderstanding, mistrust or unclear communication. Team development helps to see one’s own strengths and development areas and to function as a successful team. Team members are engaged and understand each other’s perspective. There is team trust, people dare to speak up and give feedback.

Team development and successful teams

We coach teams to become successful. By understanding strengths and weaknesses and recognizing patterns that negatively affect cooperation. We listen to team members, help resolve conflicts in teams, sometimes constructively address the conflict and work together for the same result. With focus and discipline. Whether a start-up team or an executive team, in the Netherlands or abroad. Sometimes in a one-time session, but often in a defined process with clear goals and results.

Harnessing the potential of teams

Our approach around team development helps to take steps, clear obstacles and grow. Sometimes we use a team assessment for that: Facet5 Teamscape. We help teams realize their potential and work better together in a feedback culture. With more fun and higher team effectiveness. To become a better version of themselves.

Looking for a team coach or want to learn more about our approach to team development? Then call or email:

Michiel Castelijns


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