Diversity and inclusion
What we do
In the schoolyard it’s often a focus: not to exclude anyone. Within organizations, it is no different. Research has shown for years that diversity and inclusion lead to better results in innovation, profitability and engagement. Yet for many organizations and teams, making diversity actually work is not so easy. How do you prevent the diverse talent that has been painstakingly recruited from disappearing through the back door anyway?
The two sides of inclusiveness
Inclusiveness is the result of truly utilized diversity. It requires effort on both sides:
– The majority must realize that they are the majority (inner group) and unconsciously determine what is normal. It must give space to do things differently. Questioning something that always seemed normal. Entering into something new. Something where success seems less predictable. That sometimes feels like failure. That takes guts.
– The minority will have to step forward and dare to occupy space with their unique qualities. This often feels alone, because no one likes to be the exception. That, too, takes guts.
At Humancollective, we believe that inclusivity can only occur when both movements occur simultaneously from an attitude of openness and connection. Harnessing the potential that diversity has to offer. After all, diversity is about what connects us, not what separates us.
Working on diversity and inclusion
We support organizations in this movement on both sides. We do this with a mix of workshops, training and consulting. Focused on achieving:
- Inclusive leadership
- An inclusive culture
- Success for female talent
“Don’t tolerate me as different, accept me as spectrum of normality” (Ann Northrop)”
How we work:
- We always work in-company, tailored to our clients’ language, tone and ambition
- Everything we do is interactive and engages people in conversation. This includes listening sessions, workshops and (online) training courses focused on awareness
- Our basic attitude is appreciative inquiry
- We translate (neuro)psychological insights to the workplace
- We link thinking to doing; Awareness alone is not enough to achieve change. We link insights to actions and practice new behaviors until they become ingrained.
Petra van Tol