About humancollective
About humancollective
Everything is about bringing things in motion.
Growth, motion and improving together. That is what drives us. We believe that continuous growth and movement is the key to making people, teams and organizations perform at their best. Learning together from mistakes and successes.
Motion starts on the inside. We make sure you understand very well who you are yourself and what drives you. And also how your colleagues and customers fit in. Once that is known to you, the rest will follow naturally. Then you understand how to move forward together and you can develop all the skills needed to get results.
The tremendous strength of the team
We believe the success of any organization can be attributed to well-functioning, effective teams. Where ideas are released because people can be completely themselves. Where there is great cooperation because colleagues know and value each other through and through. And where an “elephant in the room” is named and discussed. That’s why we love working with teams, from the board level to the shop floor. And we are constantly developing our insights in this area, sparked with science.
About us and how we work
We believe that every organization and every individual is unique. And so is the motion that needs to happen. Small chance, then, that a standard approach or program will provide the best solution. That is why we provide customized services.
Customized projects, (training) programs and workshops. But with standard high impact, fun and results. And full of cool insights about the human brain and how learning and change works. New behaviors are learned best by doing. Only by walking down a new path it wears in.. Understanding how it really works gets things moving. Including yourself.
This is what you can expect from us:
- Respect for everyone’s perspective
- Real; no masks
- Demonstrable result
- Putting things in perspective and humor
- Explore possibilities; see how it can be done
- People can do more than they think; growth mindset and learning agility
- Only out of your comfort zone you learn
- Use of proven tools and the latest psychological insights