Agile teams

Team Development

It is not strategy or finance, but good teamwork that makes the difference in organizations. Good team collaboration is a source of innovation. And high team effectiveness manifests itself in coming up with solutions to difficult problems faster. Working well together in a team means learning together from what you do, adjusting the approach and improving on an ongoing basis. Agile teams respond quickly to changing organizational or market requirements and have complementary competencies and personalities. Team members learn from what they do.

Agile teams are to be developed.

‘Hassles’ in teams

But practice is often recalcitrant. Conflicts in teams, time pressure, changes in team composition or misunderstandings do not improve team effectiveness. We help teams increase their effectiveness, work on team trust, learn and grow. In short, becoming agile as a team.

Team Effectiveness

We look with you at what it takes to grow, as individuals and as a team. We make ingrained patterns visible and clarify what is needed to take the next step. We often do this in a combination of individual and team coaching, addressing topics such as fixed and growth mindset. What do you need as an individual and as a team to open up to a new way of working. What familiar practices and perspectives do you need to let go of or “trade in” for new insights? And how can team members help each other do this and create a feedback culture that supports agile working?

Team assessment

In many of our team sessions, we use Facet5 TeamScape. In doing so, we help teams work toward a fruitful team culture and team trust. So that everyone understands how they can grow and develop together.

Our methodology around team development helps individuals build understanding not only about themselves, but also about the preferences of others. It is this understanding that underlies better relationships within the team, more cooperation and better communication. So that your agile team can also make a difference.


If you would like to learn more about its applicability in your organization, please call or email:

Michiel Castelijns


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