Team assessment

Team Development

Teams enable organizations to be successful. They are the driver for growth, innovation and job satisfaction. But what makes a team successful? And why is it that some teams continue to underperform year after year? This requires a deeper understanding of the team.

A successful team starts with people who are aware of each other’s talents and their collective strengths. And also knowing each other’s lesser strengths and common blind spots. They realize that their success lies precisely in their mutual diversity. They know themselves, trust each other, feel comfortable with each other and realize the value of each person’s talent. Understanding the current functioning of the team is a valuable step toward success. Our team assessment is designed for teams that want to move forward and are willing to invest in mutual understanding.

Every team assessment consists of two steps.

  1. Individual assessment

Our individual Facet5 assessment provides an in-depth picture about each individual team member. Each person’s talents, personality profile, weaknesses and strengths are highlighted. The Facet5 report shows at a glance how a person relates to the group and what role within the team suits him or her best.

  1. Team assessment

This step is all about what the dynamics of a team are; what is the culture of the team, how do mutual relationships work and very importantly, how is the work of the team managed and executed.

Based on team members’ individual Facet5 profiles, their combination shows how individual team members’ preferences together support a team’s objectives and work. Or not.

Using the TeamScape model, we paint a picture of everyone’s natural preference for organizing their work and participating in the team. Each TeamScape profile includes:

  • Team members’ fundamental approach to solving problems as they arise
  • How they come across to other people, their natural strengths and pitfalls
  • The extent to which the team follows rules and procedures
  • How a team responds to the intensity and stress associated with litigation

The team assessment supports team members to build understanding not only about themselves, but also about the preferences of others. It is this understanding that underlies better relationships within the team, greater cooperation and communication.

Take the first step toward a successful team and gain a workable understanding of team functioning. Contact:

Michiel Castelijns


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