Culture Change

Organizational Development

The organizational culture, that is the sum of all of you together. It stimulates or blocks performance. In the latter case, a culture change may be desirable.

Culture consists of habits, experiences, and stories, and it determines how people in the organization behave and make decisions. High performing culture, family culture, fear culture or judgment culture?

Organizational culture can stimulate and connect. But can also get in the way of performing optimally individually and as a team. If you want to grow and develop as an organization, both sides require attention. Develop further what is already good and change what is in the way.

Organizational development and culture

Humancollective is an expert in making culture explicit and influencing it in a positive way. By making core values and beliefs explicit, you can make additional use of them. Organizational culture gains strength by embedding these core values and beliefs in leadership, new employee selection and onboarding, training and communications. We make negative elements of the culture (fear, reckoning) a topic for open discussion.

How we work

For organizational culture to best contribute to organizational goals, we deploy a mix of tools. Such as workshops, games, simulation, surveys, coaching and training. We do this at all levels of the organization. Because culture: that’s the sum of all you together and you also build and re-build it together.

Create a healthy and stimulating organizational culture. Contact Petra van Tol to discuss our experiences and the possibilities.

Petra van Tol


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