Selection & onboarding

Organizational Development

Many organizations know very well what the ideal employee looks like and the difference between an average and a very good employee. But no matter how well you know your organization, selecting the right talent is difficult. Or that this talent does not develop as quickly as you had hoped. And does a good onboarding program prevent that promising new employee from leaving the organization far too soon?

Do you recognize any of the following questions?

  • What should I pay attention to when hiring new people?
  • How do I recognize the right mindset and competencies in people?
  • How can I select for learning ability?
  • How do I build a team with people with complementary qualities?
  • How can I professionalize HR within our organization and increase their impact using state-of-the-art selection tools?

We help translate organizations’ goals into characteristics of new employees. Whether it is strengthening certain competencies within the organization or stimulating a culture change by attracting a certain type of personalities. We separate the wheat from the chaff and provide concrete advice that will allow a new employee to develop optimally. It’s about looking beyond by also paying attention to the environment where new employees end up. So that not only they are having a successful start, but employees also fit the organization optimally over time.

Our solutions:

  • Design and implement selection procedures and tools
  • Selection and development assessments, assessment-development
  • Online assessment (including Facet5), cognitive ability tests
  • Selection and assessment skills training
  • Organization of onboarding events
  • Customized onboarding programs online and offline
  • ‘Be your own ambassador’; programs for executives focused on onboarding
Don't keep looking for the best way to select talent. Discuss it with

Tanja Vlug


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