Professional conversation skills

Organizational Development

What determines the quality of a conversation? Whether a conversation is “a good conversation” is only partly about content. More important is whether a person feels heard, understood and acknowledged. With the use of professional conversation skills, a person becomes convinced, inspired or motivated.

The ability to have a good professional conversation is a core competency for every leader, manager and professional. In interaction with others, things get moving. By increasing the quality of conversations inside and outside the organization, you directly improve performance, collaboration and connection. And resolve conflicts and misunderstandings.

Soft skills development: examples

We help individuals and teams at all levels develop professional conversation skills appropriate to their role and mission in the organization. Often this is part of a broader change process with the goal of:

  • Improve performance dialogue for managers
  • Improve customer relationships and sales results
  • Improving team collaboration

Training conversation skills.

We provide insight into each person’s personality and the effect of behavior. Thus, everyone consciously chooses what goal to achieve and what behavior is effective for that purpose. We believe in learning by doing; no long talks about conversation skills but just getting started We regularly use actors to practice and engage all participants to provide feedback. Beforehand, this is usually an exciting part of the program. In retrospect, it is invariably rated highest as most impactful.

Professional conversation skills in 5 steps

1. Baseline assessment
Assessment and questionnaire on the quality of dialogue in the organization focused on the purpose of the department.

2. Challenge
Kick-off sessions and communication on the importance of professional good communication. Making the impact of a good conversation felt and thus creating urgency for leaders, managers and professionals to want to do something truly different.

3. Grow
Our unique Facet5 personality profile and Facet5 SuperSkills report provide insight into each person’s preferred style of dialogue based on their personality. Training based on the five superskills for effective communication applied to the unique practice of the organization, department or individual and everyone’s personality.

4. Embed
Ongoing (online) support and peer review to continue applying the five superskills in daily practice

5. Impact measurement
On-the-job observation and testing what the quality of dialogue is in the organization.

“The biggest problem in communication is that we don’t listen to understand.

We listen to reply”

Give attention to developing professional conversation skills within your organization. Contact:

Petra van Tol


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