Inclusive leadership
Diversity and inclusion
Whether one’s own organization may be labeled inclusive is difficult to judge by the person itself. The vast majority firmly believe this. Those who are just a little different probably don’t think so. The first challenge in inclusive leadership is to get a healthy diversity of employees. Making all diverse employees feel truly welcome and contributing fully is a second challenge two for any inclusive leader.
Working on inclusive leadership
Inclusive leadership requires recognizing your unconscious biases that determine how we behave, what we think is normal and how we are or are not open to diversity. It also requires the skill of curious and open communication. True judgment-free listening seems so easy, but it is not. Finally, inclusive leadership is also about being willing to receive feedback, recognize assumptions and biases of others and speak up when something is uncomfortable.
“You can only get the best out of people when they can be themselves.”
Workshops and training inclusive leadership
- For anyone who wants to explore if and how to do better. Understanding unconscious biases, developing inclusive behaviors, truly active listening. Be it cross-cultural diversity, gender diversity or personality.
- Programs for smaller to large groups of employees, possibly online
- Coaching for leaders on inclusive leadership