Female leadership

Diversity and inclusion

Despite diversity being high on the agenda, women are still often a minority within management. If at all successful in recruiting enough women employees, the next challenge presents itself: how do we get enough women into leadership positions? How do we encourage female leadership?

The female leadership role

Our trainings and workshops focus on successfully filling the female leadership role. Dealing with the typical challenges of a masculine world from a female perspective are central to this. Issues such as discovering personal (feminine) power and style and gaining insight into a feminine and masculine perspective are addressed. Developing practical skills to achieve the right connection between men and women in a team and being able to influence powerfully and purposefully are also part of our trainings and workshops.

“Being ourselves sometimes means having the courage to stand alone”
– Brene Brown

Women’s leadership workshops

  • Personal branding; put yourself on the map
  • Strategic negotiation; getting what you need
  • Networking my way; connecting and helping each other
  • Training for female talent
  • Empowering Workshops
  • Coaching for women leaders
  • Diversity and inclusion consulting: our experts analyze HR processes and culture and come up with advice and actions for improvement
Give female talent within the organization an extra push or are you starting in a female leadership role yourself? Then contact:

Petra van Tol


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