Personal & career coaching
Personal development
Everyone has moments in his or her career when everything seems to come naturally. But there are also times when you run into something, have doubts or need help. Moments that call for reflection and insights. Personal & career coaching to then move forward more effectively. Just coming to a stop, looking around, seeing where you are now, where you want to go, what fixed patterns are, which of them are helpful and what you would like to break.
Career coaching. We encounter a number of questions with some regularity:
- I want to take the next career step, but which one?
- I notice that my work takes more energy out of me than I get out of it; what should I change? Am I in the right place?
- How can I manage stress better?
- I keep running into the same issues in every job. What can I do about it?
- As a leader, I find it important to be held up to a mirror from time to time. Who can I spar with about dilemmas and difficult situations?
- Now that I have a senior role in the organization as a woman, I struggle quite a bit with the masculine culture that is there. How can I deal with this effectively?
We offer “customized” personal coaching. No standard programs but based on an intake interview to see what a person needs and how they learn and reflect best. Sometimes a few conversations are enough, in other cases it is nice to practice with a training actor and get feedback.
Another possibility is “coaching-on-the-job”: watching the approach to concrete tasks, projects or conversations, immediate feedback and tips that can be applied in practice.
What knowledge and experience do we bring as coaches?
- Years of experience in selecting and developing employees at various levels in organizations
- Combination of organizational psychology and business background
- Experience as an entrepreneur and executive
- Knowledge of coaching models and methodologies, especially practically applied (including systems thinking, Transactional Analysis, RET, team development, GROW)
Coaching appointments can take place off or online. The experience of the past years has shown that online coaching can be extremely effective and efficient.