Personal Effectiveness

Personal development

How well are you able to realize your desires and goals? How effective (or not) are you in that? In what area can you take another step? Personal effectiveness is about personal development and personal leadership.

Stephen R. Covey’s views on personal effectiveness

Stephen R. Covey is our inspiration for the themes that touch on realizing your desires and goals. In his life’s work, “The seven habits of highly effective people,” he describes the seven “habits.

Be proactive

Focus on what you can influence and what is important to you

Begin with the end in mind

Think about what you want to achieve, what the end result should look like and then make a plan

Important issues first

Set priorities to achieve your most important goals instead of reacting to others’ urgencies

Think win-win

Collaborate more effectively by building relationships based on trust

First understand, then be understood

Influence others by understanding their needs and views in order to achieve mutual understanding

Create synergy

Working together to develop innovative solutions that maximize diversity

Keep the saw sharp

Improve motivation, energy and work-life balance by making time for yourself and your sustainable employability

Personal coaching

With us, more effective functioning is often a part of personal coaching as well as programs focused on organizational and leadership development. We work individually or in small groups and use current work situations as a starting point. Where it makes sense, we work with training actors to clarify issues and practice new behaviors.

We would be happy to tell you more about our programs. Contact:

Tanja Vlug


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